About Us | IntellQ Studio

ATIS facial detection software

About Us

For over 30 years we are located in the Atlanta Georgia area. ATIS develops and markets innovative solutions for the voice and data capture and analytics market. Face detection and recognition for commercial or government applications complement our product or system offerings.

ATIS lawful interception systems build following the USA CALEA or European ETSI standard are in use around the world.

When the competitive environment demands that companies make the most of every dollar committed, ATIS sales and engineering fit your company’s needs. Besides our ready to use product lines we provide a hands-free resource for a product or system customization or even develop a solution to your specification. ATIS offers a long history of efficient cost control ,detailed documentation, and unmatched quality control.

With ATIS, you’ll work with people who understand your requirements and who are capable of helping you develop a system or product that you’ll be proud of. On-time. With in budget.